Sacred teachings

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What are Sacred Teachings

Since ancient times, a vast body of spiritual or sacred teachings has been handed down to each generation; they are known as the Ageless Wisdom. These teachings come from ancient sources, such as the Masters of the Wisdom, and the Ageless Wisdom teachings of the modern era. Examples of these teachings are the Vedas, Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, the Vishnu Puranas, writings of H.P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Nicholas and Helena Roerich, the Bible, Koran, etc. This wisdom does not belong to any one culture, race, or people. It is made up of occult and esoteric writings, and information about the evolution of man’s consciousness. It provides an understanding of how our universe came into being, and our place in it. Its foundations are based in occultism and esotericism, or the science of working with energy and force. When the term spiritual is used, it simply refers to things ‘of the Spirit,’ or relating to a place in each person, emanating from our pure Spirit, the Monad.

The teaching has always been given in terms of good behavior and of right action, and therefore given in terms of effects, produced by inner causes which have not always been specified. Basically, all such virtues, good inclinations and attempted sound qualities represent the emergence into expression upon the physical plane of certain energies and tendencies, inherent in the soul itself. These, in their turn, are governed by energies and laws which are of a nature different from those governing personalities.
Alice A. Bailey – Esoteric Psychology Vol.  II, p. 85

The Ageless Wisdom, or wisdom teachings detail the Laws of the Divine, which make up all matter, and the forces and energies in the manifested and un-manifested universe – in essence all that is seen and not seen. Man is a ‘spark of the Divine,’ and an un-awakened spiritual being until he sets himself on a path of liberation, also known as the spiritual path. Just as the Buddha taught, man is essentially divine. While this is true, man is also ignorant of his divinity, until he becomes aware of the forces that shape his character, his feelings, and thoughts. These thoughts and feelings are expressed during his incarnation on the physical plane through his mental, emotional, and physical bodies. In a worldly sense, this represents the complete man.

The Ageless Wisdom teachings tell a story, that we are much more than our limited three-dimensional, and three vehicle(s) existence. But to recognize, and come to know our divinity we must undergo trials of discovery and transformation so we can remove the blocks that allow for clear seeing. This is known as purification, where we strip away any thought that keeps the man from seeing who he truly is in his natural state, which is pure awareness. This will take time, and often consume every bit of energy he has. Whether man is conscious of it or not, his mind, like an onion, is composed of many layers. When the layers are removed one by one, his awareness is expanded to reveal and know the sparkling gem that reveals his true Self. The Ageless Wisdom teachings are those teachings that show man his true nature, and leads him to know that greater Self.

When it comes to understanding his true nature, man is essentially ignorant. For thousands of years, the Ageless Wisdom teachings have been hidden away from average humanity. The reasons for this are many, but one reason is that the average person is not ready, as too much information can harm him. For example, if the man, without the aid of a proper teacher tries to deliberately awaken internal forces within himself, such as through using breathing exercises, these hidden forces related to the certain types of breathing, can cause harm to the unsuspecting student. The same can be said for raising the kundalini, or chanting, or visualizing, all of which can be used inappropriately, as the spiritually oriented man is not ready.

The most viable teachings, regardless of culture, will encourage the student to make haste slowly, or to practice moderation. This means to be cognizant of one’s own aspirations, and the types of practices he gets interested in. This will teach him to be mindful, or aware of his own process of transformation, and not go off half-cocked,’ and be swept away with the new ism in his learning.

The wisdom teachings have been mentioned, but what are some examples? Examples of the Ageless Wisdom and esoteric / occult teachings span thousands of years, and come from all cultures. The teachings have been communicated through great teachers in India, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Far East by great teachers, such as Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, Francis Bacon, Lao Tzu, Pantanjali, Jesus the Christ, the Buddha, Confucius, and myriad teachers, both known, and unknown. Examples of teachings are found in the Vedas, Upanishads, Rosicrucian, theosophy, anthroposophy, the Kabbalah, Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Taoism. Also, the Western Hermetic tradition, which comprises a set of philosophical and religious beliefs, provides a foundation of occult / esoteric teachings which influenced European culture and history. Although it is beyond the scope of this book, many of these teachings point to Ancient Egypt, that gave us teachings on alchemy and initiation, or the necessary stages of transformation a person will undergo prior to liberation from the cycle of incarnation and rebirth.

Many spiritual teachers embrace the concept that we have spent lifetimes reincarnating, and participating in the cycle of rebirth. This allows us to learn about ourselves at the very basic level, just as a child begins his worldly education at kindergarten, and proceeds through the grades until he graduates from college. So it is with man. He learns through his equipment – the mind, the emotions, and physical form in relation to his higher and greater potentials. He learns many lessons resulting in both successes and failures through a series of different bodies and personalities in multiple incarnations, whether as a male, a female, or through life in different cultures. Any knowledge gained in a given lifetime is carried forward, registered in the casual body, to the next life for helping the spiritual seeker ultimately journey back to the One Source of the Divine.

If you use the metaphor of the Earth plane as one large classroom, how is it that we learn? The means by which we acquire knowledge and understanding is through the law of cause and effect. Eastern traditions describe this as ‘karma,’ the Bible interprets this as as you sow, so shall you reap.’ We understand that every action and deed we perform initiates a cause that leads to an effect. The action results in either a positive or negative consequence, or outcome. Eventually, we become aware of this dynamic process, and make better choices to not only stop creating any negative karma, but actually become the conscious creator for positive karma. Through mastery of this law, we come to master the forces and energies within our own being, and eventually manifest our own divinity.

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